JG Vacation LLC. is a global community built on trust and inclusion. We're dedicated to providing a safe and secure marketplace and we're here to support you 24/7 whenever you have questions or need a hand. Trust is essential to a marketplace that works. With secure payments, fraud protection and authentic reviews. We make sure all members of our community can stay and rent with confidence.


Keeping your account safe and secure is a top priority. From payment protection to fraud prevention, we have tools in place to reduce risks in financial transactions and maintain trust between parties that may not know each other.


We have teams on call to support guests, owners and property managers who require assistance or have questions. If there's anything you need, please get in touch.


JG Vacation LLC. offers a range of tools and resources that protect the privacy and safety of guests and owners. We support owners by educating them about best practices for creating safe and private spaces for travelers, and we use technology to verify the identities of owners and guests whenever possible. We advise our community to follow state and local laws that may apply.


JG Vacation LLC. is an inclusive marketplace committed to accessibility, tolerance and respect, ensuring that everyone has equal protections and equal opportunities. We believe that every member of our community should feel welcome and respected, no matter their background.